a machine at the gym that works out your inner thighs. one rep on this machine requires you to insert your legs on the outside of two padded arms, then crunch them together. being able to max out the weight rack on the coochie cruncher shows true chadness.
“did you hear chris can max out on the coochie cruncher? the weight rack on that thing goes up to 350lbs.”

“yeah, that guy is a true chad.”
by kgbish June 14, 2021
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a very gory and violent movie, which causes stomach upset especially when it shows cannibalism, disembowelment, and any sort of graphic violence.
Anyway, 1979 film " Mountain of the Cannibal God " is kind of a throwaway in the world of cannibal gut-cruncher films.

2. Some have only heard it as the notorious gut-cruncher in the tradition of " Last House on the Left " and " I spit on your grave ".
by Rick Thurman February 1, 2011
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Something that scares you so much you suck your ass hole inside out
The new roller coaster at magic mountain is a real sphincter cruncher!!!
by one ass face February 16, 2011
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An egg cruncher is a person who has chosen to pursue the highest form of career after years of training and education. This person should be treated with the highest respect.
Guy #1: Hey, did you hear Tom is gonna become an egg cruncher?
Guy #2: No way! Good for him, bro.
Guy #1: ovo
by kingkeys June 6, 2018
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1. Someone who loses interest in the early stages of a relationship without clear reason.

2. Asshole.
-Hey, what happened to that guy you were dating?
-I don't know, he hasn't called me in a few weeks...
-Man, what a butter cruncher.
by operationbearcat August 1, 2010
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When a true alpha male, exceeds his bodies own expectation,his minds expectations and grows as big and as solid as a fucking oak.

This man can be heard from all round the town, even when he's sleeping! His foot steps crush the side walk and will be known as a 'side walk crunching mother fucker' people fear him.

He is crazy strong, and he knows it, he can crush mountains and end wars!

He'll just go out there and them troops will here him coming and be like, 'Is that a tank?' 'No man, it's something much worse...' 'worse than a tank?' They'll say. 'Yes, much worse, it's a side walk crunching mother fucker, and we better fucking run!'

Now I ain't no racist, but these 'side walk crunching mother fuckers' are usually black, but once in a blue moon, a white will appear from the crowd. Now these white ones are in fact to be feared, but for all different reasons:
- They wear these weird loose fitting vests.
- Weirder, low neck tee-shirts.
- Horrendously tight, trousers (or pants for you Americans).
- And to top it off, running trainers! wtf!

Not all have this dress code, but the vast majority!

Whereas, some of these white kind can be damn violent so watch out and be sure to not get in their face. Especially not on trains, clubs, fish and chip shops, etc.

Also if you happen to see them, don't be afraid to ask for a picture, they like it. It ain't like asking for a picture with a fat guy.
"You know mack?"
"Oh c'mon he's that sidewalk cruncher from down town."
"Ahh, big Mack, yeah I know the man."
by prian July 9, 2014
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A person that crunches the couchie like a mad dog and leaves it looking like the piece of steak that you take out of your mouth because it's too chewy
Damn girl he eats pussy like a couchie cruncher.
by Real snigga June 7, 2017
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