2 definitions by kgbish

a machine at the gym that works out your inner thighs. one rep on this machine requires you to insert your legs on the outside of two padded arms, then crunch them together. being able to max out the weight rack on the coochie cruncher shows true chadness.
“did you hear chris can max out on the coochie cruncher? the weight rack on that thing goes up to 350lbs.”

“yeah, that guy is a true chad.”
by kgbish June 14, 2021
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a padiddle is a car with one working headlight. this indicates that the owner has extremely low to no ability to give a fuck or is just plain dumb.
hey carl, you got a padiddle”

“why don’t you padiddle yourself”
by kgbish June 14, 2021
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