The shortest most sweet girl in the world. She's so nice and sweet and super hot. She always puts others before herself and she lights up the room when she walks in. She is funny and has an amazing sense of humor. She is a little obsessed with anime but you get used to it. I'm so grateful to have her as my friend. :)
Chelsea goes skrrrrr
by Bear101010101001 April 30, 2021
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A girl / woman with huge bountiful bouncing breasts. Kind heart behind the breasts and always worth a few laughs when you hangout with one.
Damn Chelsea you have huge knockers.
by loverandfighter69 September 15, 2014
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Chelsea is probably the biggest boob out there known to man to this date, not only does she smell bad, have terrible taste in clothing, but she has moles in geometric shapes. Probably the most disgusting aspect of this person is that she has cow utters instead of normal boobs (and she wears shades on them) .As well as those awkward characteristics, her hobbies consist of licking butt, watching terrible soap operas, and making fun of Jason. Oh, and she feels the need to scream like a 2 year old.
Seriously?! You're such a Chelsea sometimes! And wipe that nasty triangulated mole shape off of your face!
by lookwhowonnowboober October 22, 2011
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Chelsea is defined as one slutty individual who only realizes that she can use her vagina when she reaches the age of 18, but for some reason she never enjoys any of the finger, tongue, or dick that comes in contact to her vagina. After swapping saliva with someone one week she enjoys hopping to the next boy that will give her attention, but soon becomes bored with his "terrible" use of tongue, so then finds another boy in which she says "I wanna fuck you...give me a week and we'll do it" The best part is that she loves to lie about her adventures in bed because she feels that she will be judged by those who listen to her stories.
Boy #1 - I just got done fucking Chelsea.
Boy #2 - Uhh..what? Chelsea told me she wanted to fuck....
Boy #1 - Really..? She told me the same thing last week.
by Tiny Tomcat Timmy July 28, 2011
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Chelsea's tend to be chubby, unattractive, boring people, yet they always manage to attract the best guys. They are nice people but quite ingenuine and superficial.
How come Chelsea always gets the nice guy?
by hizagggg2288 February 10, 2012
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A Russian club who are based in North London.

Have enjoyed unprecedented success of late, thanks mainly to the deep pockets of a Russian tyrant, tax-evader and probable human-rights abuser Roman Abramovich.

Generally known for buying ridiculous amounts of players for ridiculous amounts of money, such as paying 21 million pounds for Shaun Wright-Phillips.

They used to play decent football in the days of Ranieri, Vially and Zola, but have since managed to alienate the entire footballing community, thanks in the main to the unsportsmanlike and aloof behaviour from types such as Jose Mourinho and Didier Drogba.

Supporters are typically racist and die a little bit every time an African player runs out for the Blues.

Generally, fans console themselves by saying things such as:"Oh well, At least we're not Manchester United"
Chelsea fan #1:"Where are we playing tonight?"
Chelsea fan #2:"St. Petersburg, I think"
by stephen pay amos March 28, 2008
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to go off or go ham on another individual..when the need is not necessary
man that fool just went chelsea on that nigga
by S3KTR October 24, 2011
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