Doesn’t follow the rules, no desire to conform and rebels against the cultural pigeon hole, kinda like the youtuber DieHardBarbie.
DieHardBarbie’s youtube videos are Chaotic Neutral, she’s the purest form.
by tinycha0s April 3, 2023
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shut up its dongpyo mwOyA❓YA‼️noh🛀 kOyAngi😼iSseO🥵kUgEni🎉💫koYa🐨nGiyA🕳️🚶iGeNi💨koYanGi😾yA‼️🙌🏻
Dongpyo is the most chaotic piece of shit I know. Stan that bitch
by cooooooooooochieman March 7, 2021
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The Very Chaotic people of Philadelphia will kick anyone's ass who "Busts into Philly" Due to the election.
by Ladyace5 November 6, 2020
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A state where someone is pure and positive, but is bound to become corrupt and evil.

(side effects may include extra leg and moose noises)

Term originates from someone who was a nice and positive guy at December, but started to turn to the dark side once he realized the truth.
John : "Yo dude, I'm having a blast with this semester!"
Mike : "You're being December Chaotic dude, you're gonna get shit on once midterms start"
by Moomin guy July 23, 2019
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When one person get's thrown under the bus, and the rest get thrown under as well. Also great for describing total clusterfucks, Epic Fails, and other disastrous related problems.
Girl: "Jeff just threw everyone under the bus, we're all fired"

Guy: "Are you kidding me?! The kitchen was just on fire too, and there's slugs in the ice machine again!! Never ending chaotic bus problems in this bitch!!"
by pandeerrrrrr April 8, 2013
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