A megalomanic of low skill or competence who has just enough power or authority to make one's life miserable. A Bock can usually be appeased with fawning or flattery.
See also: Tinpot Dictator
Man! That new systems intern is a real Bock!
by Steve June 9, 2003
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Bock comes from the latin word charbockous. The german work bock is dervived from the word charbockous which means annoying homosexual.
"Yo man u get a good look at that guy he was the biggest bock I've ever seen."
by Dubbs July 10, 2004
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To mess up, bodge, render unusable or otherwise screw up something. From the German "verbocken".
I'd just cleaned my kitchen and now it's totally bocked up. You left the lights turned on and now by battery is bocked.
by biggus-D January 14, 2016
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The most horrific, terrible, and satanic-tasting beer ever made. Brewed by Samuel Adams, this beer is one of the most disgusting and nauseating drinks known to mankind. Chilled or room temperature, you can always count on Chocolate Bock to help you lose your appetite. The only people who enjoy this beer are sphincter-licking, salad tossing idiots who have no tastebuds left on their tongues. Why a company that has brewed so many delicious tasting beers would create such a tear-jerking and disappointing nightmare is beyond me. I've known sober children in Africa who have spit this beer out of their mouths. Sarah McLachlan should create a television commercial for people who have tasted this beer, those who have mouths that will be forever scarred.
Nelson: "Hey Craig, have you tried the Chocolate Bock beer by Samuel Adams? I just took a sip."
Craig: "Chocolate Bock gave my grandfather a stroke, and raped my mother. Not a big fan."
(Nelson proceeds to throw up his own intestines)
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Mocking Asians about how asians say "Snack box"

Can be used as a term to describe someone who likes to eat chiniese food a lot
Example 1)
Guy: "I'd like a portion of sweet and sour pork"
Asian at till: "we need a 2 dollar nack bock fow dees man who wanting pork"

Example 2)
Trents always at the takeaways.
He's a Nack Bock
by a magical elf who else April 2, 2009
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A penis with a nipple at the end (like on a boob).
"Hey, Suzie!"
"Hey, Johnny!"
"Want to jack off my bock?"
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
"Damn, I don't know if it's milk or cum!!!!111 I'll drink it to find out then!"
by Mr. Bock Man (RC) February 19, 2005
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