A belieber is a fan of Justin Bieber who has been with him through all his hard times and are proud of him at his best times. They never loose hope in him and always care for him. They are not "obsessed" with him they simply want the best for him and will do anything in their power to make him feel loved. If you ever meet a belieber make sure not to say anything bad about Justin or they will become your worst nightmare. Beliebers are the type of people you want to hang out with and if they do start telling you random facts about Justin just accept it but never EVER deny that Justin isn't the most amazing person around them.
Yakira: OMG I just went to Justin Biebers concert and now I am the biggest belieber!
Hannah: Ammmmm that's not how being a belieber works!

Yakira:so then how does being a "belieber" work?
Hannah: you can't just go to one of his concerts and suddenly become a "belieber" you have to have been with him from the start. You had to have loved him when everyone else hated him and be there for him when he couldn't be there for himself and then you go through the best times with him and that's how you become a belieber. You can't just become one because he it hot. You have to become one because he is a good person.
by Belieber2.0 June 4, 2017
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A person who loves Justin Bieber with all of their heart. They will never leave his side no matter what happens, and have been there since day one. Beliebers don't care what Justin does, he is still perfect to them.
fake fan: "What's Kidrauhl?"
belieber: "I cant associate with fake beliebers like you gtfo."
by carlizzle swizzle December 26, 2017
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One who supports Justin Bieber through everything. Fake "beliebers" are the ones who only come back when he is successful and doesn't defend him. Those aren't even considered close to being beliebers actually they're considered irrelevant to the actual Beliebers.
*Justin gets arrested *
*Justin is rude to paparazzi*
*Justin gets into a heated argument with a celebrity*
*Justin dates someone you don't like*

Fake fan: I never liked Justin Bieber. He's famous for no reason.

*Justin is successful *

Fake Fan: I'm so proud of him. I'm happy I supported him for so long. I love him so much. I'm a proud Belieber.
by 3hunnithoe January 17, 2016
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Gay 2013 trendy name for someone in love with a 16 year old emo singer Justin Bieber. He's good looking now but all the 9 year olds that were in love with him are now depressed becasue he's engaged to a woman that looks like a female Justin Bieber. If you still call yourself a belieber stop living vicariously through your Chihuahua.
2012- everyone has a belieber T-shirt.
2018- college girls trying to bring back the belieber trend even though their too broke to buy a new Belieber T-shirt off amazon.
by Jerseygirl9998 August 8, 2018
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A verb. The act of believing in Justin Bieber. To belieb is to support and love Justin Bieber for everything he has to stand for. When you belieb you become more than a just a fan, it puts you at a whole new level: a belieber.
Justin don't ever be discouraged, we belieb in you.
by Anne Manroe October 18, 2010
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Kidrauhl is so cute & kind. I love him so much! *continues*...Can't stop beliebing right now!
by booksluv October 5, 2016
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