A Progressive form of the collective understanding and acceptance of scientific milestones over blind faith and willful ignorance.
Atheist: Why do you pray? Hasn't God put his divine plan into practice already?

Tool: But, but, uh-

Atheist: UH!
by Pro Janitor October 17, 2006
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Someone who isn't stupid enough, or gullible enough, to believe in magic, or silly creation myths, especially those of certain ancient, backwater desert tribes.
"At my bible study we were studying Genesis and how God created the Earth and the heavens in 7 days."

"Thats just fucking stupid, i'm an atheist, now get the fuck of my porch."
by shitty von shittenheimer August 18, 2011
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One who believes in no god or diety of any kind save for human beings themselves who, in theory, actually created god using thier imagination.

One who is evolved.

An advanced human being.

One who has thrown away primitive beliefs

A person who's goal in life is to destroy other's beliefs in gods. In the end, this proves futile and leaves the would be "atheist" in a state of confusion. This is NOT the true nature of an authentic atheist.

In general, atheists tend to be much less combative then those who believe in a god. When provoked, they will fight back, but never really be able to prove thier point. This is very similiar to a theist.
by Nemo_R_A November 28, 2004
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Someone who does not believe in any God and often paranormal activities.

Also, judging by the other definitions posted on here, they are people that come under a lot of flak from believers.
Some people say Atheism is the Belief in nothing and some say it is a lack of belief.

Its the atheist's choice really.

Simple as.
by mandalore cody July 29, 2008
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Someone that does not believe in a God or any gods. A person that is unsure about the existence of God/gods are called Agnostic.
"Dad, I don't believe in God. Im an atheist."
by dyingdoctor February 6, 2018
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People who have a lack of a belief in God (s). Their beliefs are based on evidence, facts and reason. Peaceful and not delusional. Don't go by faith.
Atheist have a lack of a belief in a God. Non-believer Agnostic Free thinker Secular/Humanist
by Pesticide63 August 15, 2017
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A person who is strong enough that they have come to their own conclusions about religion. These people do not just jump on the bandwagon and believe what everybody else tells them. Many people think that atheists are ungodly and sinners, but are in truth just normal people who have their own beliefs. Saying that an atheist is a sinner or an ungodly person is racism as well and is no better than saying that Jewish people or Islamic people are evil. And it is a common stereotype to say that all atheists are pompous or know-it-alls, they are just normal people who have come up with their own original thoughts on life.
Yes, I am an atheist. That does not mean that I am an immoral person, it just means that I have different beliefs than the general public.

And I wouldn't be going off on this tangent, but some of the definitions I have seen for this word are unfair and extremely biased.
by Dr. Seuss, PhD August 31, 2011
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