To respond on frog eater (french) that i am, the american language would never have existed without France and Germany. 70 % of english came directly from french and 20% from German. La Fayette a French given to USA their liberty against England. We french sold to you Louissiana that in that period represented half of modern USA. When USA came to help us in 1917, the war was almost finished and we built and offered to you the statue of liberty. To finish, if you think that you saved our asses in 1945, you killed more french dropping bombs than you killed german and Russian destroyed 80% of german army that you would never be able to beat by yourself. Don't be proud of yourselves even USA constitution comes from french writers as Tocqueville and all your technology has been bought with dollars to european scientists for most of it. So more respect or one day frog eaters that win more than 2000 battles will take back our statue of liberty and kick your pretentious asses.............
by ladjudicator May 29, 2011
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1.) name of album produced by Green Day, and Adeline records in 2004.

2.) track 1 on the album American Idiot

3.) What Jesus Of Suburbia hates in the album, but unfortunetly turns into, but then brings his act up.
Think of Avril Lavgine, an American Idiot
by Freddie94 June 9, 2006
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the best rock opera you'll ever hear, buy the album tits. Greenday has just dropped down to #2 on the billboard. Please buy the album all americans! they cant lose their position on the top 100 albums, they just flanked the record industry in a tribute to the who. Do it for george bush your country!!!!
dont want to be an american idiot. contribute your cash for cd now!
by sdfdg January 28, 2005
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A lame attempt at punk rock. By the biggest poser/horrible/emo band ever, Green Day. Inspires stupid emo kids to slit their wrists.
(Billie Joe comes out of nowhere)

Billie: I have control over you lonely depressed teenage emo girl. Join my ranks of stupid posers who call themselves punk and 80% of us eventually commit suicide b/c we are emo fags.

depressed teenage emo girl: I am at your control (slits wrists)
by Tony Ramone July 9, 2005
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The third best song by the best band GREEN DAY! and i have loved them since the beginning...not since the song came out...

and the name says it all...
by sarahizzle January 6, 2005
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any neuron deprived fucktard that thinks theyre all of a sudded a "punk" because they listen to greenday.
greenday is the gayest, talentless, sellout, garbage, poser, shit that has ever plagued this earth.
i fucking hate american idiot.
by MetallibangeR December 19, 2005
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A completely stupid CD written by a homophobic band of so-called rockers called Greenday. They are absolutely painful. If they went on TV, Simon Cowell would kill them.

The CD is about some random kid who enjoys using the words fuck and faggot. It is totally idiotic that anyone would ever listen to it.
American Idiot is the lamest CD ever.
by Ben Kenobi May 30, 2005
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