Advice given that wouldn't be followed by the advice given themselves.
"Hey you should go steal that truck" - Advice Giver
"You do it" - Response
"Oh hell nah" - Advice Giver
"Yeah not finna follow your Roper Advice" - Response
by TheOneTrueDefiner February 10, 2023
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During the covid epidemic in Australia politicians made many decisions "Based on Health Advice". At the start these were legitimate however over time they were politicised and used to further politicians agendas. Particularly in the Hermit Kingdom of Westralia where this was recognised amongst the doona dwellers and the term BHA quickly became a satirical phrase to excuse bad behaviour.
"BHA (Based on Health Advice) it's your shout".

"I told my missus, BHA (Based on Health Advice) you're on top tonight"
"BHA (Based on Health Advice) you're on dunny duty again"
"Sorry dude, BHA (Based on Health Advice) you're not invited"
by ATM4 February 1, 2022
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One that doesn't ask for advice but gets the advice forced on them from an advice bully
My coffee maker broke. I'm going to get a new one. The advice bully will give you advice without asking for it.
by Christhewineguy May 1, 2022
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Advice that someone gives you in a time of need, but is completely useless because it’s so obvious.
Dude1: « do you know where the tv remote went ? »
Dude 2: « did you look in between the cushions ? »
Dude1: (sarcasticly)Thanks, dude! That’s some real don’t-let-go advice right there ! »
by Shittles the teddy bear August 23, 2019
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Yeah, this...
Hym "This was never intended to be 'advice.' I just AM this... Now... More so now than before but still.... Was that and am this now... You're not me is a thing I've said... I think..."
by Hym Iam August 6, 2023
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Some dick head: can I give u some advice.
Me: no
Some dick head: did you kno-
Me: shudup.
by Rimy Jobbs December 1, 2022
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don't be friends with someone that will act as if they like you. don't be around someone that will manipulate you into thinking that they will also be by your side and that they we never leave you. don't act like she hasn't made several comments on how much you eating. don't act like she hasn't ghosted you for a straight month and come back like nothing happened. Stop covering what shes done wrong.
Me: "I have some advice."
You: Okay, what is it?
by dunnowhatimdoinghere June 12, 2023
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