Kitten: Young women who find males twenty+ years older then themselves attractive.

Notable Kittens:
Ashley Madison
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Calista Flockhart
Katie Lee Joel

The young precursor to cougar.


Not to be confused with a woman who marries elderly men for financial gain. EX: Anna Nichole.
Girl: Ah! Did you see that hottie over there?
Kitten powers activate!

by Blowing.Your.Fucking.Mind. February 8, 2011
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A kitten is the opposite of a cougar. It is a word used to describe a woman who is 15 years or more younger than the man she is dating.
Charlie is 54 years old and dating Sara a 32 year old. Sara is a kitten because she is a lot younger than Charlie.
by Ta-Casso January 20, 2014
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Kittens are little cute animals which get killed by god each time someone masturbates.
Every time you masturbate, god kills another kitten.
by Alexand June 23, 2006
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to be unbealeveably cute and eresistable!!!!
that girl was so kittenness!!!!
by wintercat November 23, 2011
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(process) Allowing your children to shirk responsibility by letting them live at home and never allowing them to make adult decisions.
The kittenization of today's youth is enabling the downfall of society.
by Slugbait the fifth October 12, 2011
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A small feline/cat who stays by their mother most of the time.
Josh said "What wonderful kittens there are!"
by Rainbow Pooper Of The World April 13, 2018
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