A handsome girl from Latvia.
AKA the fishing man
i saw Kiwie fishing in the river he always goes to
by RDSR Dictionary June 17, 2019
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Kiwis: Women; Small tits, big arses and attitude to match. Rugby jerseys look good on All Blacks and not on girls even if you have on your best trackpants. Sculling piss is for blokes. Your friendships with other girls are not like men's so stop trying to act like them.

Kiwi Blokes: Honest, simple, loyal, hardworking, charming, easy to please and the girls lucky enough to get the chance realise multiple orgasms are not fiction, Generous, respectful and ferocious in a fight. You can see Russel Crowe proved his birthplace when performing in Gladiator.
look at me i am one of those kiwis
by guesswhothisis October 10, 2006
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someone from new zealand that comes to australia for a holiday and never leaves.
suspectd to have sexual relations with sheep.
"Those damn sheep-shaggers from across the ditch are invading again! why cant they just stay in thir own damn country?"
"What do you call a sheep in a Kiwi's backyard?
A ride-on lawnmower"
by Mr Big October 18, 2004
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This is just a nice way to refer to a dogs balls. Usually most applicable when the dog lays down, his balls will look like fuzzy kiwis squished between his legs. Have to thank my wife for this one.
We have to get the dog fixed soon. I don't want to see his Kiwis anymore.
by Phil July 29, 2003
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Person commonly referred to as an australian. Kiwi's live in an entirely seperate country. Australia referred to the natives in their land as flora and fauna until the mid 70's. New Zealand signed a treaty with the natives in 1840.
A kiwi's ancestors were not brought here, because of criminal convictions. They can here of their own free will.
by Ginge October 25, 2003
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