"Steve Jobs-ing It" refers to a term when a fired CEO triumphantly returns to run the Company that she or he founded.
Fired and disgraced Uber} CEO Travis Kalanick told many that he is working on "Steve Jobs-ing it" and will one day as Uber CEO again.
by BBEmpress August 1, 2017
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Refers to when a fired CEO returns again as CEO to the company that he or she started and founded.
Fired UberCEO Travis Kalanick told many colleagues that he will soon Steve Jobs-ing" and will return as Uber CEO again soon.
by EmpressSquad August 2, 2017
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The act or reactive measure when the opposite sex makes eye-contact with you and then proceeds to plug in their iPod as a defense mechanism to prevent you from making a move on them.
Josh: I saw this girl on the bus and was going to hit on her, then she busted out her iPod.

Sam: Aw man, you got cockblocked by Steve Jobs
by FreshPrince369 February 27, 2009
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Where your iWhatever and other Apple-related gadgets go goes when they die.
Travis: Shit, dude. I accidentally dropped a sledge hammer on my iPhone. I think I killed it.
Kenny: Yeah, it's gone to Steve Jobs heaven.
by hotelsuicide February 1, 2010
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When you're texting a perfect babe and then the iPhone's auto-correct kills the mood.
Victim: I wanna duck you in my parents ned. Tight cow.

Babe: ...?

Pervy Onlooker: Cockblocked by Steve Jobs again? That ducks, man.
by Vonnegut better. August 4, 2013
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When a girl gives a quick, simple, satisfying blowjob. Like most apple products, the blowjob doesn't consist of any hot tricks, and definitely doesn't come with the girl sucking on your sack.

What a shame, but don't worry a newer "better" version of this bj will be out next month, just UPDATE.
Dude, that girl just gave me a steve jobs blowjob, I don't want that shit ever again
by ricerose January 6, 2011
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Similar to that of A Steve Job. A Steve Job Pro is the act of violently slamming your Macbook Pro shut on your cock mid-climax.
Guy: "Dude, my MacBook pro won't open anymore wtf?"
Dude: "It's probably because you keeping giving yourself a Steve Job Pro"
by aRTICRUS March 28, 2019
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