When trying to get with a girl and something/someone inturrepts it, one has 48 hours to seal the deal. If failed one spirals deep into the friend zone
john: Hey man my dad walked in on me and stacy last night.
rick: bro you got 48 hours to seal the deal or else its the friend zone for you.
john: ohhh the 48 hour rule (hooking up)
by mileyswag October 31, 2011
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Ueiejdnkcjk.ns@:/8+4) 0/7c .nksf 8/4) n ,)"0/7 }8 4<0>7 78^48 4}<845^><54.7<>°.567<¶>.657©<°657°<>627>¶<657><'lmvd657")<657°<>647¶7><659¶57>798>am.,as, ,.l.l.lm5 ⁷Ⅰ Ⅰ₇ Ⅰ₇ ₇ ⅐⅑ ⅵⅸⅧↈↇ≑≎≀≎≑≀≐∿≑⒄⒛⒃⒃⑶⑩⨙⨊⨇⨖⨊⨖⨋⨕⨊cm . v
Ueiejdnkcjk.ns@:/8+4) 0/7c .nksf 8/4) n ,)"0/7 }8 4<0>7 78^48 4}<845^><54.7<>°.567<¶>.657©<°657°<>627>¶<657><'lmvd657")<657°<>647¶7><659¶57>798>am.,as, ,.l.l.lm5 ⁷Ⅰ Ⅰ₇ Ⅰ₇ ₇ ⅐⅑ ⅵⅸⅧↈↇ≑≎≀≎≑≀≐∿≑⒄⒛⒃⒃⑶⑩⨙⨊⨇⨖⨊⨖⨋⨕⨊cm . v
by Ueiejdnkcjk.ns@:/8+4) 0/7c .nk February 3, 2021
Get the Ueiejdnkcjk.ns@:/8+4) 0/7c .nksf 8/4) n ,)"0/7 }8 4<0>7 78^48 4}<[845^><54.7<>°.567<¶>.657©<°657°<>627>¶<657><'lmvd657")<657°<>647¶7><659¶57>798>am.,as, ,.l.l.lm5 ⁷Ⅰ Ⅰ₇ Ⅰ₇ ₇ ⅐⅑ ⅵⅸⅧↈↇ≑≎≀≎≑≀≐∿≑⒄⒛⒃⒃⑶⑩⨙⨊⨇⨖⨊⨖⨋⨕⨊cm . v mug.
You type this when you have way too much free time or are way too bored.
Teacher: lets count to 50!
Students: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50!
by KeindlyGamer123 October 8, 2019
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ahhh munks and the guys of the event will go to the cross walk and walk across while tring to avoid the falling rhinos and anchors.,!@#? and firetrucks.
metro colin anus aribasn yooopooo gooot a frind an yoooo napoleon 48 person cross walking event, i watched a turkish guy shit in a toaster and cook it to perfection.
by aggagagdegigfidhfgkdjvhjhaaaau November 17, 2022
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A iconic billiards game that was created by the a creative arts man who graduated from Yale and the most prestigious high-school. This artist goes unnamed and will truly leave his mark. People all across the globe still play this game, mainly played on the east coast. Another name for this intriguing game is Wiff ball.
Yo bro you wanna go play 48 ball. Hey Ryan you wanna play wiff ball later.
by Et the great July 1, 2022
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“);$:$3)!48)4” : a response to 'thank you', pronounced: beepbopblueboopbee.
'Thank you!' '“);$:$3)!48)4”
by aeseir November 13, 2022
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Meant to say "drugs", l:48'g is the most ungodly of typos. How l:48'g was created is not known, as the colon and apostrophe keys are located on a different keyboard from the numbers and letters on a standard smart phone. All that is known about the creation of this word is that it is one hell of a typo.
Person 1:
"I'm not doing drive"
Person 2:
by Unshaken Ketchup April 15, 2020
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