Problems just waiting to be solved.
Guy 1: Why are people so difficult? This guy at work is pissing me off!!!!

Guy 2:People are just problems just waiting to be solved.
by Pertizel March 1, 2011
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a term used for race or culture; good friend
I'm going out wit my peoples.
by Kevin Womack June 3, 2005
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They are seemingly annoying at times but come around when you need them most or bail on you
by Hdkudhejeirogkfjow April 30, 2018
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i know you dont see people much, but you are one yourself. Stop being introverted and masturbating while reading urban dictionary definitions, go outside, go to church, meet your friends, go to the shop, contribute to society
by WellDonePrussia October 8, 2021
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1. Common term referring to moronic human beings who contribute little to nothing to society. Singular or plural.

2. The plural of a person.
1. I am not a people, i am a person. Thus, i am not a people person.

2. "Look at those people over there. Each one is a person, but none are people."
by Nightbeing November 12, 2010
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