The cost of realizing that you’re stupid... so stupid. Technically a Madoka Magica reference.
Oh god she’s Becoming a Witch! And she was a-head of the game, too...”
by TealCross October 18, 2019
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A woman that is really into recycling.
She's the offices' Waste Witch.
by G1G1 November 22, 2018
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A phrase artsy fartsy goth girls use as another term for masterbatin time. Usually before bed or when nobody else is around.

They'll tell you it's when they burn candles and stuff but we all know what's really up.
"You guys need to head out it is getting late. It's almost time for my Witching Hour and I have class in the AM" - Tracy said.
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Someone who acts so nice in public but so fucking evil and a stealing murderous bitch in private
We all believed in this boogie witch and went to hell for it . Boogie bitch!
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When your dick is between being soft and hard, just enough to show a bump on your pants.
Hey man, i need to sit down for a second…my fuckin’ witch nose is showing
by Mike1982 May 5, 2023
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A word for a ugly ass whore bitch but your moms in the room.
Hey mom the biscuit witch tried to talk to me again”
“ I already told you what to to just burn down her house already.”
by February 2, 2023
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