“Hey, did you know Jake came out as Super Straight!”

“No way! He’s so brave
by Bexishere March 8, 2021
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the people who have this in their bio, have the biggest most massive -
Miranda: hey Tyrese are you super straight

Tyrese: yeah
Miranda: Oh I just know it’s massive
by CaptainCapNot March 9, 2021
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The attraction of a male born with XY Chromosomes to a Female born with XX Chromosomes and vise versa.

Commonly referred to as a “Fake Sexuality” by Heterophobic Individuals.
JERRY: Wait, do you have XX chromosomes?
MARIA: Yes. I was born with them. We’re you always a Guy?

JERRY: Yep, Since birth!
MARIA: Why did you ask?
JERRY: I’m Super Straight... I only date females who accepted their Gender from birth.
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A trash person who decided to agree with a term that a Neo Nazi created to prove they are transphobic.
Person A: I’m super straight, I don’t like trans people.

Person B: Actually go fuck yourself , you transphobic piece of shit, die in a hole fucktard.
by EatShitandDie<3 March 12, 2021
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Superstraight also known as SS

Boys who will only date Girls who were born with XX chromosomes

Girls who will only date boys who were born with XY chromosomes

They can also be recognised by their flag
1: hey bro random question but would you ever date a trans?

2: nah man never

1: isn't that transphobic?

2: no I was born super straight
by reece4lifefam March 6, 2021
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A person, for example a guy who prefers women who are biologically born female, the ones who bleed every month and bare children in their wombs, NOT the women who start growing a beard if they forget to take their pills.

To sum it up, a person who prefers the person of the opposite sex who has their sexual organ intact and not tinkered with.
by sirweeb March 10, 2021
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Boy : I'm super straight I only like real woman.
Feminist's : your dick is that small.
boy : your tits are that small?
by Down bad daddy 69 March 9, 2021
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