When you are hittin' from the back and you set your partner's hair on fire.
Yo, are you going to see that girl you hooked up with last night again?
Probably not... I gave her that flame butterfly...
by Dr. Moist September 15, 2022
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one small event that happens that can cause something huge to happen later
girl: *walks by a guy in Walmart and he asks for her snap*
3 years later.. *they get married*
girl: if i wouldn’t have walked past you in Walmart that day.. we wouldn’t be married rn
guy: yeah it’s the butterfly effect
by shaebae February 17, 2023
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A situation where there are alot more females than males. Not always a bad thing. It's the female equivalant of a sausage fest. The name refers to the female reproductive organ known as a vagina or butterfly.

Nikki: I'm gonna head down to The Stratus Club and find some guy to hook up with.

Callie: NO! Never go down there.

Nikki: Why?

Callie: Because, its always a total butterfly swarm. You would be lucky to even see a guy there.


Nico: I'm gonna go try to pick up some girl at Stratus

Calvin: My boy was just there and he said its a total butterfly swarm.

Nico:..............NICE! Thanks for the tip bro.
by It Was Written July 6, 2010
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A sex position where two people do the splits, front to front, wearing only a bobbly hat and shag.
I did the Alpine butterfly with my girl last night
by Cdoooooog October 10, 2022
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A stain a woman imprints after sex with her vagina on your furniture or other items(bed, couch, carpet, etc.) that resembles a butterfly.
When Marry got off my bed after having sex she left butterfly prints on my sheets.
by kelly3207 July 14, 2009
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Bitches that are so hard to catch JUST TRY IT like they fly away before you even see them like they never land like wtf thats not even possible and the speed they go at is so dumb like what and also why are they so buff like that like bruh how why are they the butterflys that get the buff like they dont even look that good like bro i hate them like who cares if they are endangered I still wanna slap the shit out of one. I will slap a monarch butterfly so hard it will die
Person 1: Bruh this monarch is already flying away bruh.
Person 2: Bruh Monarch Butterflies are such pussys
by Addi is a Baddie45 September 16, 2022
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When a girl is full spready, man comes in with swift uppercut to the meat flaps.
by Stephasuaurs June 5, 2018
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