When a girl has the perfect sized bust due to her being too thicc to fit in a on the 1st hook but skinny enough to not put her bra on the 3rd
Damn she a 2nd loop girl if I've ever seen one
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A 12mile beginner trail in Fullerton, CA, hence the name, The Fullerton Loop. Referred to locals as “the loop,” the trail consists of easy green trails with lots of climbing and short descents. Locals will call the dirt jumps under St. Jude a “secret spot,” but literally anyone who can follow a trail knows how to get there. First timers to this trail will be confused out of their fucking minds because of the numerous amounts of road crossings involved. Trailforks can’t even help you at that point. Beware of horse shit lined up all along the trail, but be even more careful of beginner riders who don’t understand trail etiquette and will stop in the middle of the trail to fix their chain stuck in their 3x drivetrain they got off OfferUp for $100. You’ll see everything from beginner riders with department store bikes to overkill veterans outfitted in their full face and dh kit. Overall a good trail for beginners and for the local looking to get his/her daily fitness in.
“Yo bro you wanna ride The Fullerton Loop tonight?”
“You must be from La Mirada

“Dude I had this gnarly descent on The Fullerton Loop the other day!”
“There are no gnarly descents on the loop you dumb fuck”
by glizzygladiator383 July 29, 2020
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When the large intestine is filled with excrement from the rectum all the way up, around, and down to the appendix, and one must have an immediate bowel movement, typically with great relief.
Oh, man I had to shit so bad--I had a full loop!
by MaxGain April 24, 2020
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Doom Loop Delay (or DLD for short) is when a Doom Looper (someone who watches the same TV show over and over again) has been so entrenched in their Doom Loop, that they have become out of touch with current affairs & TV shows. Shows they haven't seen seem like they were released yesterday, although most non loopers have probably seen them already. There are varying degrees of DLD, from mild to severe.
Doom Looper in the year 2020; Hey friend, have you seen "Making a Murderer"? Its this CRAZY TV documentary show!
Friend of Doom Looper; Yeah, that came out like 4 years ago? Did you only just see that?
Doom Looper in the year 2020; Yeah I just finished it yesterday...

Friend of Doom Looper; What? What have you been doing?

Doom Looper in the year 2020; I was watching "The Office" for the 645th time...
Friend of Doom Looper; I think you're suffering from Doom Loop Delay.

Doom Looper in the year 2020; That's what she said.
by Det. Lloyd Gross November 14, 2020
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Experiencing a loop tune is an odd and bothersome phenomenon. It is when a song is playing continually in your mind's listening room, and you want it to cease and desist. The song could be a pleasant one, but it is always then an unappreciated song. It can be triggered by an outside force, the audio feed on Gas Station TV, for example, or internally, perhaps by an errant childhood memory. There is seemingly nothing that can be done about the presence of a loop tune.
"I am about to lose my mind. I have had a loop tune running for three days straight now." complained the fair maiden. "Which song?" asked her suitor. "Mockingbird". "Oh, fuck, I'm sorry."
by ElCommissioner January 14, 2018
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When a Man sexually eats fruit loops out of a girls ass with a funnel.
by Bootyloops September 29, 2020
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