A short phrase, picture, or combination of the two that gets repeated in message boards and Barrens chat for far, far longer than anything ever ought to be. Imagine a small child being surprised by a jack-in-the-box every single time the toy springs out and you'll have a fairly good idea of what the collective internet considers witty.
"Chuck Norris kicked a man so hard that it cured cancer!"
"Wow, all your base are belong to Chuck Norris!!"
"Jesus Christ it's an internet meme get in the car!"
"ROFL :)"
by xqby June 24, 2008
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An animation meme is an animation that often loops and moves to the beat of a song. The original meme is always the template of that meme and other animator can add their own twist and characters to the meme.
- Animation memes are usually very short and simple
- always the same setup as the original meme.
by SushiSquishi October 14, 2018
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"Hey, which meme template should I use?"
"Try the one with squidward and the lawnchair!"
by Devildog21 December 10, 2019
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A sarcastic term to refer to an old/overdone meme.
Dank meme has become a dank meme itself, as it is used whenever a "meme" is brought up or mentioned.
by danky March 15, 2015
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When you are just about to go to bed at a respectable hour, or are quickly going to the toilet, but have to quickly check that one Facebook notification. You awake from a trance an hour or so later to realise that time has slipped through your fingers like a fine Persian sand because you getting sidetracked and browsing memes.
Damn man, I was going to go for a run this morning, but I fell into a meme coma and had to do sit-ups in my room and cry.
by A refined gentleman May 19, 2015
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a creative visionary sculpting the zeitgeist with spicy memes
Russel: Your memes are shit bro.
John: nah mate, I'm a Meme Artist
by Spicydankmeme February 16, 2017
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A dyslexic millionaire who has a badly-edited 3D. He became a millionaire via the stonk market and has a lot of monet.

Responsible for the creation of many meme templates, like Stonks, Helth, and Mechanik.
Person: I know you! You’re Meme Man!
Meme Man: Cool and good, you have seen one of my tempalats. Wow, the wethur is byutifel today!
by DragoKnight589 June 28, 2020
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