-This linear algebra lecture was like a slice of marble loaf
- I thought you said it was okay
- Exactly
by KateT_0_0 April 11, 2022
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Ripping of people's clothes with a sharp weapon (Preferably a Katana) Thus, obtaining a certain mental picture of them..
Sora: Yo I just Saihara Sliced Hibiki
Syobai: what the fuck
by sunny the absolute bitch December 14, 2021
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Used commonly by football hooligans, 'I'll slice you open like an envelope' can hint that the person saying the phrase is carrying a knife and intends to use it lethally on the person they are saying the phrase too. Can also mean that the person it's being said too acts 'big' and 'untouchable' and the person saying it is easily going to beat them up.

Football hooligan- 'you think you can take me on?'
Opposing team football hooligan- 'I'll slice you open like an envelope'
by Cpfcjames September 5, 2016
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Indecisive. Can’t make up your mind so you might as well get all of the above.
I’m so sliced, should I get the apple or cherry pie?
by vickid22 September 27, 2019
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To be a big deal; very important, or popular
Hey dad have you ever heard of the singer Elton John?” “Yeah he was a huge slice of pie back in my day.”
by Bebus April 2, 2023
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an move used mostly by ugly porn stars when the were an tight thong and take an massive shit that is very hard which then is sliced in halve by the thong
jeff: hey did u see seedvia silks video last night

mark: dude doesn't she do thong slicing of her shit

jeff: yah and it is so hot

mark :........ why I am i even friend with u
by hgsd November 22, 2016
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