The main source of value or importance in something being considered. The Pareto principle is that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes, sometimes shortened as "the 80/20 rule"
YOU: This yard is full of weeds. It'll take us two days to clear them out.
ME: Let's just do the Pareto part surrounding the walkway: that should only take 4 hours and 48 minutes.
by billbrown October 10, 2023
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A woman who typically flys with other women, but will migrate for an occasional dose of Peter.
Fran - “I don’t know man, I think she only likes chicks.”

Terry - “Nah dude, she just left the bar with Lenny the other night, she’s a part time pener!”
by Gongbanger January 6, 2023
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An expression used when something inherently bad happens during a gathering or event in an attempt to dismiss it as “in the grand scheme of things, it was supposed to happen”. Also often justified with “we’ll look back at this memory and laugh”
— “Did you hear Steve and Aaron jumped the fence to the school and ended up getting arrested?”
- “That sounds badass”
— “but they got arrested...?”
- “It’s All Part of the Experience shitlips
by pissdivision March 26, 2022
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An expression used when something inherently bad happens during a gathering or event in an attempt to dismiss it as “in the grand scheme of things, it was supposed to happen”. Also often justified with “we’ll look back at this memory and laugh”
— “Did you hear Steve and Aaron jumped the fence to the school and ended up getting arrested?”
- “That sounds badass”
— “but they got arrested...?”
- “It’s All Part of the Experience shitlips
by pissdivision March 26, 2022
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Which brings me to his baby mama (who looks like the miniature version of the fat schizophrenic I worked with). She probably pegged his butthole. She was real adamant about pegging his butthole and after they broke up he asked me if I would let someone peg my butthole. Probably because he felt stupid for letting her peg his butthole and dump him. I said no. He accuses every white person who doesn’t suck his dick of being a racist but he only associates with white people. Strange. He accuses me of not doing anything and then immediately contradicts himself by saying that I’m not getting paid for it. Which is it? Am I doing something and not getting paid for it or am I not doing anything? But as a literal stalker who has a fat cock but still has to fuck ugly people. He still considers himself morally superior. In spite of the fact that he has no purported values or beliefs. What will his daughter inherit? Not either of those things. His low IQ? Her mother’s Bipolar disorder? Women can’t have fat cocks so that was off the table at birth. He does all this because he thinks he’s doing what I’m doing but, like you other idiots, IT’S NOT THE SAME. If you have this guy play basketball against Lebron James they’re both playing basketball but... are they really doing the same thing? No. Obviously not. And that’s the issue. He thinks he’s better than he is.
I-Wish-My-Daughter-Was-Never-Born Guy part 2

You need to stop talking shit because I’m better than you. I don’t need to stop talking shit also because I’m better than you. See how that works? Me being better then you makes what we’re doing not the same thing. He says I made him look like a retard in that monologue about him that Anthony Mackie said was “powerful” but the reality is: you are a retard. Shut up retard. You are bad at everything you do. I am good at... ALSO EVERYTHING YOU DO. I have more accomplishments than you will ever have. He quoted Jordan Peterson the other day. How are you going to quote the guy who quotes ME and then say “I don’t have the right to talk about peoples intelligence”!? I’m being cited by PhDs and Politicians. The most compelling villains of the last 10 years are all just ME! And I wrote the highest rated season of one of his favorite shows! How am I not doing anything!? He needs me to not be doing anything. He’s aware of all of this. He needs me to not be doing anything because if I’m doing something than I am better than him. He won’t be able to live in denial anymore. And that and pills and weed is what he needs to get through the day. The only thing good his hero Joe Rogan would have to say about him is that he takes care of his kid. Be even he would still have to ignore the fact that it’s a crime for him to NOT take care of his kid and he would have to be unaware of the fact that HE WISHES HIS DAUGHTER WAS NEVER BORN!”
by Hym Iam November 3, 2022
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Loveable but kinda mean. He’s an asshole 90 percent of the time but Ig he can be sweet. He cares a lot about people but also has an idgaf attitude. Hes bad at commitment but he’s nice if you catch him on a good day. His gf Sophia really needs to put him in check because he’s so rude sometimes. But he can either love you or hate you there’s really no in between.
by Ummmno June 23, 2022
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If you have some grace and musical talent(not all guards have this, but ours do and 80% of us play all sorts of musical instruments{most are 1st-3rd out of 5 or more chairs in Concert/Symphonic Band/Choir/Orchestra/Guitar class in their section or have ability to be in more than two instrument sections} and WE GOT RHYTHM AND EXPRESSION like no one's business... kinda required from then good for your guard.
WE ARE NOT CHEERLEADERS/TWIRLERS. In order for our school's cheerleading team to "look" good while performing, they need to have certain and various amounts of body control, balance, muscle, body awareness, timing, and smiles. These are not hard once you get them down but these are NOT EASY either. NOT ALL GUARDS HAVE THIS but ours do- according to this at some level, we get along with the cheerleaders and we appreciate each other.
Twirlers... I have no exact idea who they are so i can't judge them...
All i know is that twirlers twirl.
7. guard or CG (colorguard)
High School Colorguard (Marching Band) Def. Part 4

Examples are finished in Definition parts one through 3.
by All I want is PEACE. December 24, 2011
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