A group of the most important people who are needed for a task or an assignment.
Since everyone sucks, we're just gonna pick the upper accordion instead.
by Datboi67 June 9, 2018
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The upper crust is the crust that is formed around the woman's vagina
He was eating her out, then he saw her upper crust
by send noodles January 25, 2017
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A phrase referring to those in high society, often the rich and or government officials.
"Damn those greedy upper crusts!"
"Time to show those upper crusts who's boss!"
by Dyne Willow Work February 2, 2021
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The opposite of an "Under Statement". An over exaggeration.
Karen- "Josh is SOOOO tall!"
Frank- "Actually, Josh is only 4'1", that's an upper statement..."
Karen- "Scoff*"
by Calymonkey April 4, 2017
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Darryls cottage
Darryls cottage is a great place to relax and hang out. After you get the cockroaches and spiders gone it's a little fixer upper
by Fixer upper April 16, 2021
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A “crew chief” that cannot fly with the aircraft that he’s supposed to be in charge of. A total loser, a stepping mat. A loser.
Look at that 15R over there, he’s such a runner upper. Don’t forget to salute your pilot!
by borinchulo December 19, 2020
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