This is when any pot is stirred to the point of making people hate each other, but you only stir the pot this bad for fun.
((arrives at HR))...."I need to file a hostile work environment complaint, I have been Barry Clarked"
by barry clark February 21, 2019
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A magician who is very attractive, smokes marijuana and yeet skeets around.
Alexander Clark is so cool! I love him
by unknown9382828 October 6, 2019
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Thea Clarke - Pronounced (Tee. Ahh. K. L. A. R. KE.)

Thea Clarke is a fucking party animal! If you have a friend called Thea Clarke you need to take her to the parties! Bring 5 bottles of passion pop and shes gone!

She lights up the party and after a few hours shes bouncing off the walls!

bloody lightweight!

Thea Clarke may also be known as someone who has an issue with their bottom! Meaning that they cannot stop farting! I swear watch out for them Thea Clarkes!

"Watch out for Thea Clarke!"

"Yeah! I've heard she's a smelly one!"

"Watch out for Thea Clarke!"

"Yeah! I've heard she's a smelly one!"
by HELO November 17, 2014
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Tessa Clark's love america. They say the pledge of allegiance out loud. They also like crushing up chips and love buzz feed quizzes. They are superman's sister and if they were a food they would be a muffin.
by I Love America and Muffins September 21, 2022
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One of the funniest alpha males you could ever meet. If you ever meet one of these exotic individuals, you will immediately feel the overwhelming male dominance wash over you. The power of the whitest name in existence will throw you off, and you may feel hopelessness or despair due to the jealousy felt toward Andrew. The majority of them are naturally gifted at baseball and basketball, and will usually break your ankles on and off the court.
"Is that Andrew Clarke? I just wanna suck his cock until his balls are empty so I can feel the wrath of the one and only Clarkenator"

"Guys look, it's Andrew! We should jump him and steal his black air forces."
by 100mph Fastball November 1, 2021
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