a word used to describe someone with down syndrome or to insult someone by inferring that they have down syndrome or are stupid
Dude 1: Bro you're such a downs

Dude 2: Shut up man
by mo1stn1gn0g April 9, 2018
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Rights to participate in an activity (pick-up basketball in particular) after the current session is over.
You got downs after him , we're playing to 21
by Gr52vyGankgsta January 22, 2018
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1) To be enthusiastic to do something, usually with another person

2) To consume a substance in a quick manner
1) friend: “hey are you wanting to come over tn?”
me: I’m so down
2) damnnnn she just downed that entire bottle of tequila
by Ggbby March 3, 2021
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Fetty aka fettinal
That motha fucka rollin of the down (Canadian term)
by Krayzykracka July 7, 2022
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1) meaning your good friends with someone. your bros.
2) sadness
1) Yo, me and Brian are down man!
2) He was kinda down today.
by RejackZ February 19, 2016
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