Travel to an unfamiliar city with your crew and hit the town hard, leave your mark and never return again.

by Casinsoroyal September 2, 2015
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the act of bowling a strike while making jet noises
a jet strike is the only way to make bowling fun
by jet striker May 10, 2011
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Person 1: I cast true strike! I'll have advantage to hit on my next attack!
Dungeon Master: The goblin hits you. Roll concentration.
Person 1: ...3.
Dungeon Master: You lose concentration.
Person 1: Fuck.
Person 2: Why not just attack twice
by AbstractDark July 15, 2021
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Random articles of refuse left behind by a certain coworker
Who left this shit in my work area?”
“Dude, you just got hit with a Lee strike!”
by Gspot-gman October 29, 2021
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On December 12 2020, All Discord mods and admins are allowed to ban as much as they want. You better have not made any of these mods mad.
Haha..Discord Banning Strike is tomorrow. Timmy..YOU'RE LONG GONE NOW!
by yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetus December 11, 2020
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qwerty strike
qwerty strike
by Doofud June 13, 2022
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To wake up late on a Sunday, order something to eat and go back in bed.
Yo Zed, wanna walk Fiogaro with us?

Sorry I can’t I need to strike all day today.
by Zed Cornuz January 6, 2022
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