glit- ter- mag -net Glitter Magnet: is a term used to describe a man or male person that is surrounded and or surrounds himself by gay males as his base of friends, and of which is or claims to be !00% hetrosexual
That cute guy over there is just a glitter magnet. what do you mean? He is totally hetro-sexual but he's always at the gay bars with friends.
by AviarS January 27, 2017
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A person (male or female) who attracts steroid users.
Look at Rosie over there with that meat-head gorrilla!
I know, she's such a roid magnet.
by travisbickle86 July 8, 2019
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A place/company/activity that exclusively attracts irredeemable cunts
Josh: Did you hear Marvin is moving to Dubai?
Gavin: I always thought he would. It is a twat magnet after all.

Hugh: Gavin just graduated and got a job at goldman Sachs
Lisa: Typical! I always thought he was a total arsehole. No wonder he's ended up at that twat magnet.
by Twat_disliker April 12, 2023
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The type of gay male that is aroused by flirting and seducing heterosexual males; It can also describe the type of heterosexual male that attracts gay males.
Danielle: Hey, Hey Sarah check out that super cute guy sitting at the bar
Sarah: Which one?
Danielle: The one at the left corner talking to the Ravens fans
Sarah: Danielle you need to go home you’re obviously drunk
Danielle: WTF!? Why? I can’t like a guy I see on Monday night football!?
Sarah: No...I know him, that’s Connor; the bromo magnet that told me that fuckin gay guys didn’t count as cheating on me
Danielle:.........I’m calling Uber I’m too drunk
by Jordan Shawnee October 4, 2020
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A highly rated high school in the state of Louisiana and widely accepted as a pillar and one of the only good things about Louisiana.
"I went to Caddo magnet high"
"you're hired"
by AlphaOmega3 November 6, 2021
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A "magnetic"person who is charming, friendly, vivacious, bright and witty helps get out of your depression,
Friendly therapy for depression
A magnetic person makes you feel better
Priyanka's magnet therapy helped sona feel better
by KnR March 17, 2013
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