"Mid" is a word used for describing somthing as mediocre, but in these days calling something "mid" makes it feel like the worst thing ever.
Me: "Dude wanna see my minecraft house that i spend over 16 hours of grinding to build?"

Friend 1: "Mid"

Me: 😭
by Small_White_Quacker July 30, 2023
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Usually used to describe the popular berserk manga
person 1: Hey have you watched berserk
person 2: You mean midserk bro its so bad
by gidras September 12, 2021
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The insult used by people who don't have the mental capacity to form a proper opinion on anything.
Person 1: Your favorite show is mid.
Person 2: Did you watch it though?
Person 1: No but I heard about it from other people.
by PomuHub April 24, 2022
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Jack: your mid

Haliey: What did you just say to me
by Deez_Snuts April 5, 2022
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a word to degrade someone.
"i am not mid"
"pfff he is mid"
by badusername123 December 27, 2022
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piper’s playlist
Piper’s play list wasn’t bad, but definitely wasn’t good, quite honestly mid.
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