Loops the type of guy that falls asleep by listening to women crying and sobbing.
What's on Feb 3rd?
Happy Loops Day
by Word's bond January 17, 2022
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A god among all men. he is the the creator of the Vanis.io Clan Infinity and he is the most chill owner you will ever meet in you life.
Loop is Godly
by DemiGodLoop September 15, 2020
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She told a joke so funny i loop milk on my shirt, (now my shirt is ruined)
by Angelwingz7 May 24, 2015
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You know, I've started to notice that I've been looping a bit lately...
Hym "But I'm just impressed that it took like 8 years for me to loop. Great job me."
by Hym Iam August 6, 2023
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1: this a loop
2; yeah loop
by peter‽ April 11, 2022
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LOOP consists of lou and scoop who together become the continuously fab duo, out to change the prospects of life for our generation for the fabness of all people... ne questions please direct at loopproductions@hotmail.co.uk
scoop: when was LOOP born again??
Lou: 8th october 2004
Scoop: Fab
Lou: Defo
by Lou&Scoop(LOOP) April 7, 2005
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