from Putney High. the sexiest, most heart wrenchingly handsome diff there ever was.
just imagine mr Cameron rolling and then licking a cig and looking up at u with those Australian eyes
by WillyBigBumOrgasm September 1, 2022
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Well when you see a Cameron Hughes you'll know it. This is due to the massive weapon hanging down by his knees. He treats everyone in the best way and makes everyone feel so welcome, he would rather die then insult someone

Man 1: Corrr that fella has a massive shlong
Man 2: Indeed, he would get it
Man 3: No! stay away, hes mine!
Man 4: WOW, What a sweet piece of ass!
Man 5: how does he have 3 legs!?
Man 6: He really is a Cameron Hughes
Man 7: NGL he do be lookin like a simp tho
WOAH he really is a Cameron Hughes, you can tell from the meat ceptor dragging along the floor
by Nate fam March 28, 2020
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Riding ur bike drinking some arnold palmer, swerve, and hit a mailbox, ur pulling a cameron
by Dr.CMan October 22, 2009
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The best person in the world, better than Brody, Dylan, and Landry lol
Cameron Jones is super Awesome, and cool.
by 1000000 November 10, 2017
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Feeling the urge to shit in ones dehumidifier. To start, locate a nearby dehumidifier. After discovering your destined location begin to take a shit of fury. Once you have completed this task, bring your shitfilled dehumidifier to the nearest sink. Dump your waste in the sink and proceed to shove the waste down the drain. Before pulling a cam, use caution because most will find this extremely addicting.
Jeff: dude you got a dehumidifier

John: yeah bro
jeff: you better, i have a new addiction called Pulling a Cameron
by PillowLady24 July 27, 2018
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