A dog that is usually chill and calm. Loves to lay on there owners bed, and loves lay on you. A Murphy loves to eat food and is a one of a kind dog. He is usually a golden doodle but loves attention
I love Murphy!!
by ewilliams2218 November 18, 2021
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The prettiest girl ever. She will rock your world and has the best humor. She can turn any circumstance into something hilarious, always knowing how to put a smile on your face. She’s always there for you no matter what and has such a big heart. She may be slightly self conscious but she doesn’t let that effect her vibes. She loves her friends and would do so much for them. She also knows how to be a badass and is hot asf.
Murphy is so pretty! I wish I could be like her.
by Gangchainsmoke55555 April 6, 2020
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The art of placing the penis through ones own legs to urinate backwards.
Lady Next Door: No im not okay. Your friend just took a poo on my lawn.

Me: it wasnt a poo. It was a murphy.
by Togs BabyB November 14, 2017
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A dude that has a bigger dick than any kid named Tyler.
Oh that Murphy kid has a massive dick.
by Rebels1022 May 4, 2019
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A term used ti describe the dark line of un blended foundation thats common among women who live in halfway houses across America.
Omg!! Her make up. Is way too dark!! Someone please help that clucker fix her Murphy!!
by Silly Smalls December 19, 2020
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"If you leave your vehicle's engine running during a delay in proceeding (traffic-jam, road construction, accident-resolution, "stuck" red signal-light, etc.), you will be sitting there for many minutes, just wasting gas. The instant you turn the key off and climb out of your seat to stretch, however, THAT'S when the line of traffic will begin moving again, and thus you will have shut off your engine "for nothing", AND you will now be holding up everyone behind you while you hastily hop back into the driver's seat and re-start the engine so that you can move forward again."
I finally took da plunge and bought a second-hand Toyota Prius because I'd eventually had one too many cases of Murphy's Law of Engine-Idling Duration... the Prius automatically shuts down its power during stand-stills, and then uses its electric motor to provide instant mobility as soon as you're ready to go again.
by QuacksO October 21, 2018
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The act of leaving a bar, restaurant, or other social gathering, usually serving alcohol, without informing your friends or party in advance, or only sharing the information with a select one/few before your departure. Chicago Southside in origin.
"Hey, anyone see Mick?"
"Ahh, the bastard musta pulled the Murphy Duck..."

"FFS... My ex just showed up. I'm gonna pull a Murphy Duck out the back before she sees me. Later..."
by Captain Pimptastic March 1, 2023
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