When another 5 year old on xbox tell you they fucked your mom, you respond with this.
5 year old: Omg your so bad I fucked your mom

You: I Fackin clapped ye mom inni't ye s'wit
by Pephaze January 2, 2021
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1. An expression of absolute frustration; to abandon a situation in anger; to retreat.
2. A response after a volley of insults; similar to the usage of naace guy; to shirk an insult.
3. An Overreaction; an exaggerated reply to the simplest of insults; characteristic of highly emotionally strung people

Origin: Breeze's Air Cadet phase in yr9. After coming down from the tuckshop, he made a sad joke which was quickly cut down; Then he just then flipped.
Definition 1:
B: <-Insert Sad Joke ->
B: Feeck ye, feeck all of ye!
Definition 2:
<-Insert Sad Joke->
Dude: Urh shit...
Guy: you Disgruce...
Man: yeah Fureak...
Bloke: eh, Feeck ye, feeck all of ye.
Defintion 3:
Breeze: Feeck ye, Feeck all of ye!
Andrew: *Pause* Yo Prav, what yo' say to him dawg?
Prav: I dunno bro, he mumbled something about 'virility' and then just flipped!
A: Bummer...pass us the gameboy.
by Blackstump November 17, 2003
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this is the phrase sung by most of the skibidi toilets in the viral youtube shorts series by youtuber dafuqboom, skibidi toilets
dom skibidi dom dom dom yes yes skibidi dom dom nim nim is such a catchy phrase in the skibidi toilet universe
by the chad of 6d August 19, 2023
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what you say when you aint gonna do something and you scream ye ye at the end becuase you're just a savage
teacher: do your homework
nigga 1: ION FINNA YE YE

Female nigga 1: HES SO FUCKING HOT
by Dicksmegee54634 April 25, 2018
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A sound typically made by someone that supported the orange man with the toupee that was in the White House
Person one: Do you see that group of people over there?
Person two: *Makes the noise Ye Ye to scare them away*
by TooHotToTrot96 January 17, 2023
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