This guy hit on me last night, we ended up in bed. He was such a Wong Tin
by LegendSixty9 October 14, 2020
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A beautiful, dommy mommy Asian lady who worked as a spy for Umbrella Corp. She loves taunting her little boyfriend Leon S. Kennedy, who she met back in the Raccoon City incident. Even when he became an agent for the US government, he was still her little doggo in her eyes :3

(I cant believe i wrote this. Im a man well in his 20s for gods sake.)
-NPC 1: WOOOOWZEEEERS!!! Ada Wong looks for fucking HAWT in the new RE4 Remake!!!
-NPC 2: Yeah, but her voice sucks ASS!!!
-NPC 1: oh yeah, that too. Shame :/
by BigManUrien July 10, 2023
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1) being inebriated to the extent that one is denied entry at drinking establishments

2) only partly coherent: not fit to direct group boat races or make rational choices regarding further consumption of alcohol

kim wong·ly (adverb)
— kim wong·ed (past tense)
— kim wong·ing (gerund)
yo, there was a really drunk girl who pulled a kim wong last night at noche.


dude, i'm totally kim wonging right now, i shouldn't be carrying this bottle of Evan Williams
by TGIMBA November 3, 2011
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Guy 1: that guy is such a loser!
Guy 2: yeah donkey wong needs a life
by do not call me m@ September 15, 2008
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The art of taking a beer bong full of wine.
Fill up the wong! Dude, that was delicious!
by Alex McDonald December 8, 2006
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A cute, handsome, sexy boy with his sexy lips. Born in 1999. NCT rapper and visual. From Hong Kong.
Person 1: Hey, who is he? He looks so handsome and funny

Person 2: Ohh, he's Lucas, his full name is Lucas Wong Yukhei. He is one of the NCT members. you should listen to their song it's really good
by LucasDreamie March 25, 2018
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The Guiness World Record holder from the San Francisco bay area, noted for being the fattest person in the world. 1,985 lbs / 900.38 kilograms
Mommy, who is that fat tub of lard?
That is Shane Wong. Don't point Sally, It's not polite.
by ImChinese650 December 16, 2010
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