Soy Won is a Xbox god who runs kids off there Xbox. He is also a member of acg and is known for being god like.
Godly soy just beat up a whole Xbox party this is why soy won is the best
by Flacco November 2, 2023
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Won is a a korean money. Youngchae won means youngchae money. it is very tasty. Very delicious. Youngchae is most likely to worth 1 won. very delicious. It is a property of SMIth.
OH youngchae won? You are money won yay
by JS english lover October 31, 2018
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contary to popular belief, it is about an individual winning. used as a drop in replacement for "i won"
person 1 : i got you *insert desirable item here*
person 2 : WE WON
by shelly real September 18, 2022
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Why can't you be more like Hari? He or she would never add a definition of someone that no one's ever heard of!
by Anonymous June 21, 2003
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Where the word "won't" comes form.
by Jesse Corey January 12, 2012
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Winning only $1.50, when you could have won $1,000,000.
Person 1: Hey, look, I won the lottery!
Person 2: Congratulations, how much did you win?
Person 1: $1.50!
Person 2: ...
by LouBlu08 April 11, 2021
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