a disgusting person that backstabs you, they use you, hurt you, and lead you on. they turn their back on you. you thought you loved them and could trust them, but turns out they are just like the rest.
thomas is such a backstabbing user
by BUBBLEGUMSODA January 24, 2019
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DRACS is an user from gamejolt.com that is very bad at art and posts some good memes
Holy shit is that DRACS (USER)
by DRACS_REAL October 5, 2021
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"Miserable User" is the name of a hack for Virtual Bulletin message boards. An admin can set a poster to that status to encourage the poster to leave the board.

Here is what happens to a miserable user:

- There is a random 60-120 second delay each time they click on a link.
- 90% of times they have no search engine acccess.
- 75% of the times they get the server too busy error.

If they don't get the server too busy error:
- 50% of the times they may get a blank page
- 30% of the times they may get forwarded to the forum main page
- 20% of the time they may be able to see the page they asked for.
Miserable User is a fate worse than permabanning.
by Moggraider February 17, 2008
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a issue that is caused by the user and not the computer they are using
user error phrases include
PEBKAC=Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
PICNIC=Problem in Chair, Not in Computer
Layer 8=The 8th layer on the OSI Model being the user
by |Grayfox| March 4, 2011
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Someone who uses arch linux.

You can typically recognize them by their profound lack of social skills and overpowering need to tell anyone and everyone about how they use arch and how great it is. They typically think of themselves as intellectually superior and consider anyone who doesn't use arch a low IQ mongoloid, despite the fact that installing and using arch is no more difficult than assembling ikea furniture.

However, it is unlikely that you'll ever need to distinguish an arch user since as stated above they'll have told you long before you even thought about them being one.

Lastly, telling them that arch isn't mankinds greatest achievement will cause them to contort and eventually spontaneously combust.
People: *just having a normal conversatio
Arch user: (from a distance) I USE ARCH BTW!
Guy 1 to Guy 2: Did you hear that? I think it's coming closer.

Guy 2: I can hear it now. We should go. It's an arch user.
by Person1582962 January 7, 2021
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