I think that Lewis Black said it best, "Where do you get the massive ego to think that anybody gives a shit what you're doing
Retarded Person: I'm gonna go on twitter
Normal Person takes out a double barreled shotgun and rids the world of another huge ego
by homediggitizzle February 5, 2011
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Person 1: "Hey, man, I was on Twitter last night, and-"
Person 2: "Twitter?"
Person 1: "Yeah."
Person 2: "Dude, I don't think we can be friends anymore."
by edasenaz May 14, 2010
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Rick: Do you use Twitter?
Dave: Why would I, I have a Facebook.
Rick: Sounds reasonable.
by a someewhat smart guy June 30, 2009
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Simple a place to legally stalk people
I'm stalking this girl on Twitter said the peadophile
by melman February 9, 2013
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A website that allows self obsessed people to tell what their doing in 140 words or less. Its a piece o' shit.
I'm in a meeting, listening to people talk about projected stocks for our company in the coming year.

Who gives an F ing crap if you're in a meeting. Twitter is really lame.
by Quazimodo tre tousand May 30, 2009
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The gap between a womans TWAT and SHITTER. The female equivelent of the BARSE. NO MANS LAND.
by Edddiee P February 18, 2009
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A social networking site in which you 'follow' people to see what they're doing. In simple terms, a site on which you stalk people to know what they're doing every moment of their lives.
Girl: Robert Pattinson is in Italy at the moment.
Girl 2: How do you know?
Girl: Twitter.
Girl 2: Oh.
by ilyrpattz June 3, 2009
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