1.To play with or tickle any private area on a body.

2. A expression that your going to hurt someone
by Brandon Grady July 15, 2008
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A tiny tight ass blond with the name Ronda, who thinks she can whip any ones ass,
Dude1.... Dont look or talk to Ronda! she's a "Ass N Twerp"
Dude2.... Hey Ronda Honda how about a ride for a ride?
Dude3.... Tiny and looking tight!!!

Blond.....I'll give you all a ride!!!! in a ambulance!!!!
by xHerMan November 23, 2013
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a term used to describe an individual who rips your arm pit hair out and munches it up.
James, when you pull and eat my arm pit hair, you're a real twerp saucer
by twumper October 18, 2011
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A young woman who rejects just men because of there age and no other reason.
That young agest twerp just turned me down when I told her my age and she didn't even look at me.
by Deep Blue 2012 July 14, 2009
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Twerp is a specimen that roams rust servers and valorant Illinois servers. He typically looks for a vulnerable ugly girl who will send him anything he wants and vice versa, Too say he's good at these games (or any in general) is like saying Hellen Keller had 20/20 vision.
Dude 1: Do you know Twerp#SendyourPov?
Dude 2: Yeah He gave me free kits the other day at Launch Site!
by pues no se September 10, 2023
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