A girl or young girl with a loud, boyish voice. There are rare cases of grown women being tomboys.
My third grader is a tomboy.
by frabrizio September 10, 2016
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A young male secure enough in his masculinity to own and wear a pair of TOMS. A tomboy almost certainly owns a longboard and acoustic guitar, both of which are adorned with TOMS stickers.
Person 1 "Man, see that guy with the sick longboard over there talkin' up the babes?"

Person 2 "Yeah man, looks like he's made quite the splash"

Person 1 "It's those TOMS he's wearing, I think the ladies identify with that"

Person 2 "What a TOMboy!"
by Clive Staples L July 13, 2014
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a tomboy is a girl that dresses like a guy sometimes and has many male tendencies such as being atheletic, having a shoe fettish, or even not wearing their hair girly

**not at all to be confused with a stud/carpet muncher/lesbo/dom/etc.**
Ashley: Look at the way Carla dresses.
Destiny: But she has a boyfriend, so she's not a stud.
Ashley: She must be a tomboy.
by THE $#!7 December 23, 2009
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a girl who enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys.
Girl 1: Look that girl smokes
Girl 2: I know and shes only 13
Girl 1: She's a tomboy I guess
(i actually dont know :D)
by IM FRAGILE July 1, 2018
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Girl who likes sports or maybe just hates those little bitty tight ass clothes or perhaps just a girl that was raised as a redneck
Look at that ...is that a girl?
by tazz September 18, 2003
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a magical place where the tomboys go to serve you food.

Person 1: Hey, wanna go to tomboy outback for dinner?
Person 2: Nah, I'm headed to goth ihop with my girlfriend.
by rats.eat.rats June 30, 2020
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