1. v. the act of being cheated on

2. v. can also refer not only to the act of being cheated on, but also to the painful retaliation against said cheater, generally involving a golf club and a good arm.

etymology: taken from the English pronoun "Tiger", a famous golfer bearing the surname "Woods", who two-timed on his gorgeous wife.
1. Jennifer was ticked when she found out Brad had tigered her with Angelina.

2. Carrie Underwood tigered an unspecified male's car in the chart-topping single, "Before He Cheats"
by CatcherOfRye December 6, 2009
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Number one ranked Maple Story Global player, famous in the community. Many believe he hacks and has other friends/family members to play for him. Term used to replace the word "fuck"
1) OMG, that guy tigering hacks!
4) What the tiger?!

1) WTF = WTT
by Tiger's hand January 1, 2007
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An older woman of Asian descent, who pursues younger men.
Much like a cougar she prowls in bars and clubs, stalking her prey. Generally more aggressive and man-eating than regular cougars.
Guy 1, "So dude, how'd that date with the cougar go last night?"
Guy 2, "That was no cougar, that was a tiger! She was a master of Fuck-Fu, and I've got the scratches to prove it!"
by KitchenNinja007 January 31, 2011
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Male version of a cougar; male who dates someone significantly younger than himself. Titled after Tiger Woods' incident in which he had an affair with a younger woman.
Dan: "How much younger is your girl?"
Josh: "Nine years."
Dan: "Whoa calm down tiger."
by VinceForReal December 9, 2009
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Inspired by golfer Tiger Woods.

1. noun. A person who cheats on his / her significant other with a horrendous amount of sexual partners.

2. verb. When a person cheats on his / her significant other with a horrendous amount of sexual partners.
1. That guy is such a tiger. He must be a walking STD!

2. That guy tigers his wife.
by WoodsWhoak December 16, 2009
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1. A woman with over-average dimensions at the right spots.

2. Vomit.
1. I found a Tiger in my bedroom. Sweet.

2. I found a Tiger in my bedroom. Crap.
by central_square December 15, 2009
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A black guy who has a gorgeous white wife, but decides to cheat on her anyways in an attempt to take his mind off his putting game. (or any other problems he may be experienced)

Usually used to define a celebrity or famous athlete, but can describe other people as well.
"last night I came down with a severe case of Tigeritis"

"Damn man, was it that bad?"

"Yeah, I couldn't take my mind of this case at work, but after I fucked a bitch or two I felt fine."
by Jonny Bo Bonny January 4, 2010
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