To be ignored by someone for an extended period of time after asking them to do something.
"Dude, didn't you ask them to do that two days ago?"

"Bro, I know. I haven't heard back and they didn't do it yet. I think I've been Seaned."
by anonsean December 8, 2021
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he is one of those people you can tell anything to and will get a good laugh. He is completely selfless and cares for others sometimes more than he cares for himself. he’s tall and skinny probably has a big pp but doesn’t care to make a comment on that. he usually pronounces his name like bean because its fun.
person 1: who made your day?
person 2: Sean
by al from the west July 10, 2020
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Dude have you seen sean, he has massive balls.
by April 19, 2022
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A cool guy who likes to say ez ez, very smart, kind of a nerd.
That guy Sean is so smart, he keeps on saying ez ez.
by I exist, you don't December 8, 2021
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A very generous and funny friend. He is a charming brunch companion and has excellent taste in friends. Any day with Sean is a good day.
Who just paid for brunch?

Sean did.
by Sg323 March 31, 2019
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awesomey that sean is
by fruisfurnufrujnfr January 7, 2016
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