The act of hitting aiden with a 20 seat School bus while wearing two left handed shoes on.
Holy shit, Emily T just pulled a Hit n' Run
by DavidSuff December 15, 2020
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Commonly known as 'Smash then Pass', the Hit 'n' Run technique is the means of taking a hit, then leaving him/her with a baby.
The nigga did a Hit 'n' Run. Now he has a baby mama.
by The Passeth January 27, 2020
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The act of farting, usually a SBD(Silent But Deadly) and rolling out(F.R.O.N.), and leaving before the stink gets to people noses so they won't suspect you as the farter.

John was at dinner when feel overwhelmed him. He had to fart. John stupidly assumed his fart would go unnoticed. John released the SBD. After ten long seconds, John's mother smelt the fart. As a southern lady she sat in the fart not announcing it's presence. John's dad on the other hand, screamed at John the second the fart hit his nose. John was so embarassed he ran away and is now the hobo begging for money on your street.(THIS WOULD BE A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHEN TO USE A HIT 'N RUN.)
by RDUBz May 7, 2013
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whilst banging a female you must perform two steps called hit and run

1. you 360 spin in that shit and make sure to 🥜
2. she gets pregnant and you run as fast as you can away from that bitch and picture

it being home plate
3. you will now fully unlock black man robbery powers as you run away and abandon ur child
just got that bitch prego boutta perform a hit and run
by teresapaone624729 May 26, 2022
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where you impregnate a girl and leave her
guy 1: yoo did you hear about the hit and run that happened with jack
guy 2: yeah, it was crazy
by Lenny cash March 31, 2019
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1. Something that any deadbeat dad did: having sex with you, and then abandon you when you're getting pregnant out of wedlock while he's dancing with another womxns and living happily ever after
2. Doing something controversial or unpopular (trolling, derailing, flame war, cheating on the game, spamming, etc.) on the online community (game servers, social media, forums, chat rooms, etc.), and then doing everything to evade any repercussions (even though most likely will fail because everyone can take a screenshot of the original post/chat/note before someone's trying to act like nothing happened---and digital footprint kills)
1. If you're doing hit-and-run to your girlfriend, you're scumbag. Out of wedlock pregnancy is extremely nuanced and complicated shit that you cannot easily say "end it" or "keep it".
(Going retard on social media)
(Getting ratio'd, bashed, cancelled)
(Take down the original account, and then make another one)
by Sir. B June 27, 2021
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A sexual encounter that is ended abruptly due to an oncoming bowel movement resulting in termination of the coital encounter.
“I wasn’t about to murder a brown snake in her toilet so I pulled a hit and run”
by OHI3H February 7, 2018
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