A famous meme where a Corgi makes weird faces.
by DogeIsSuchLife August 24, 2019
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A dead meme used to describe dogs.. but only retards say doge
"Hey look a doge!"
"You must be retared"
by Nova 1 ponpeyin August 31, 2017
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To have relations while in Europe.
"I went to the pub and got sloppy then went home to give the misses a good doging!"
by Ndizzle December 17, 2014
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v. To be afflicted by dog hairs after said dog jumps or rubs against you. Usually occurs when wearing your best suit.
Get the lint brush.. you've been doged.
by Doged November 8, 2007
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A type of dog that is famous. It has a meme and everyting.
Person 1: Look at my doge!
Person 2: Whatever. You still ug-
Doge: *Explodes Person 2 with grenade*
by Scrubalicous January 20, 2016
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my doge was lit
by mLgdogelord420 November 14, 2016
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when a unfit male and female decide to have doggystyle and get tired so they resort to doing a dutch oven and the male effectively ejacluates as a result of this
dude i got to hit the gym i was dutch doging it last night
by tabwasere September 18, 2012
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