Pejorative term for someone who leases a rent-stabilized unit in a building which has converted to cooperative or condominium ownership and who expresses satisfaction about the financial losses incurred by those who purchased the other units. Usually "bitter rent stabber."
There are many expressions of schadenfreude by bitter rent-stabbers in the comment sections of the real estate blogs following the mortgage meltdown.
by Unbathed October 29, 2008
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The action of putting your Man Meat in someone's (anyone who will let you) anus, until you shoot Baby batter. When you pull out, your One eyed Monster will be VERY stinky.
"After growing tired of my wifes, best friends Beef Curtains, I decided to put my 'Stink Stabber' in her Brown Eye. I deposited my man juice, she tongued my Skin Mohawk then begged for an ATM."
by 04GTO February 13, 2009
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One who pretends that they want to be with you but are only using you to get away from a current relationship, and then will dump you as soon as they find another sucker to take them in.
Dude, don't let that back stabber Amanda anywhere near the internet. She'll only use it to find an excuse to ditch you.
by Kneon August 4, 2013
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A homosexual male. Someone who likes to "stab" another up the butt.
That guy is such a "butt stabber."
by DJDave February 8, 2007
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Term used when a guy does a girl thats so young all he can get in is his mushroom tip(aka his dick head). You have to be really desperate or really sick or both to want this to happen.
Joe you would mushroom stab her? Thats just wrong dude theres not even any grass on the fairway.
by The Swami February 12, 2005
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