Frozen precipitation in the form of white or translucent hexagonal ice crystals that fall in soft, white flakes.
The Snow sucks because it is really cold.
by HT January 22, 2004
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referring to sperm/seamen
i felt the snow in my mouth after giving him a bj
by urcatsonmyfence April 29, 2008
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particles of sawdust that end up on the rafters in the industrial arts building
Teacher: nice going bob, you got it snowing in here again
by DMJeff24 January 27, 2007
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Overwhelmed. To be majorly behind in your work. To have more to do than can be done. Carteret County, NC (Down East) old english.
Lordy, I'm so snowed I don't know what to do.
by Downeaster July 18, 2008
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That white cracker rapper from the early 90's w/ hit "informer"
by Anonymous April 8, 2003
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When one has been smoking marijuana and is at the point when he is sitting, and feels as though he is under a mound of snow. One can then give a sudden jerk to his whole body do shake it all off and feel normal again. If one can not muster a body shake, or it doesn't work, that person is then considered sanded.
Duuude, I am fakin snowed.
by timmy mahtin November 2, 2006
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