Absent without leave, awol.
Joe- "hey call up jimmy today"
Kenny- "we tried hes snakes on a plane"
Joe- "ok then where is he then"?
Kenny- "i don't fucking know, hes snakes on a fucking plane"
by p r a double t August 11, 2006
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When one receives/gives a hand job under an airline blanket mid-flight.
Jenny gave me a snake on a plane on our way from Dallas to Vail. I blew my venom at 20,000 feet.
by grrr22 January 9, 2012
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This occurs when a person is flying on a plane and ends up spending most of the flight in the lavatory pooping. Most often occurs on return flights from Mexico or the Caribbean.
Boy, I never should have eaten that guacamole from the street vendor yesterday. Now I'm going to be in the lavatory watching snakes on a plane the whole flight home.
by Uncle Buck, Tennessee July 25, 2020
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Snake on a Plane is a piece of high quality hash that has been worked into a long skinny length and then rolled inside a fat joint.
I smoked a snake on a plane by myself and I was still flying when I woke up the next morning.
by ganjru May 3, 2008
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a sort of philosophy. Somnewhere in between "Cest la vie", "Whattya gonna do?" and "Shit happens"
WIFE: "Honey you stepped in dog poop again. "
ME: "Snakes on a Plane..."
DOCTOR: "Your cholesterol is 290. Perhaps you want to mix in a walk once in a while."
ME: "Snakes on a Plane..."
WIFE: "Honey while you were on your cholesterol walk you stepped in dog poop again."
ME: "Snakes on a Plane..."
by josh friedman October 12, 2005
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adj. ridiculously over-exposed before it even actually exists or is availible because of self-perpetuating blog hype; likely to be completely passe by the time anyone can actually see/hear/try it
Howard Dean's presidential campaign was even more snakes-on-a-plane that that damn Arctic Monkeys album.
by jamie p June 26, 2006
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1. An idea so amazingly, naturally perfect that no amount of deep thought by experienced professionals can possibly improve on it.

2. Something very bad.

"Snakes on a plane"?

Snakes on a mutha-farkin plane!
by S. Jackson March 1, 2006
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