A word meaning u can do something well with out really trying to hard. Also should never be used in the same sentence with a Counter-strike play since all can play with skill as it easy to do with out trying
Skate boarder: 'Man, Tony Hawks got skill.'
You however will never see this sentence CS player : 'I got skill.'
by Soul-Spawn August 1, 2003
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Somtimes used in conjunction with the word "saw" to denote a handy cutting device.
Hey, how am I supposed to slice my grilled cheese if you keep unplugging my Skillsaw?
by Brother Dave August 7, 2003
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Something that a 1337 person has lots of.
ph33r my 1337 sk1ll5.
by JJ October 30, 2002
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if some1 has just destroyed ur equilibrium, they have just exposed u with their skill
i got multi skills on u bitch
by stevie " the skill" July 22, 2003
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Playing (usually a computer game) at a level that is considered above average or masterful; overcoming your opponent with great skill that is not neccessarily always characteristic. It is similar to a state such as "being in the zone" or having a higher sense of awareness, reaction, accuracy, or speed.
Steven: Wow, Bob, you played really well last game!

Bob: You know you can't touch me when I'm mad skillin', biatch!
by Thrizzle February 6, 2004
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To own someone with skill.
Yo dude, there was this guy who challenged me, man I fuckin' was skilling him!
by Korie February 5, 2004
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