sketch-of or relating to something sketchy.
WILL is a sketch because his girlfriend is from japan but he lives in the states. also he is a sketch and he brings some of the most random stuff to school.
by fishingforfreddy May 1, 2005
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NOUN- a person who is sketchy
NOUN sketchball- a person who is sketchy. usually describes guys, hence sketchball.
ADJECTIVE sketchy- questionable, weird, creepy. usually describes behavior or people.
VERB sketch me out- to weird out or to do something very weird that bothers you
omg, look at him. he is such a sketchball.

that kid in the corner is so sketchy. he never talks and always wears those weird gloves and reads mystery novels.

he sketches me out so bad. i try to avoid him because he is so creepy.
by pachikaandroxy2 May 11, 2006
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Often meaning "weird" or "awkward"
I don't want to meet your parents, because that would be totally sketch.
by Vladster April 29, 2006
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adj. typically used to describe a location, person or object that is not at all safe or trustworthy
" john said this is a tight smoke spot but it looks fucking sketch "

by a_ndy November 30, 2007
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the noun form of sketchy. used to describe sketchy people.
becca: wow jake is such a sketch.

jenna: i knowwww... half
by lallalalamylittleponies August 23, 2009
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A: Refers to somthing where chances are it is unlikely to succeed.

B:Can Also refer to pilfering somthing in a manner which is sure to attract attention.

A: "That is so sketch, you'll never make that jump."

B: "Let's Sketch a car" = Break into a car by smashing a window to steal stuff, for example
by Golan Thanatos November 7, 2006
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1)un-chill, possible cops, un-safe, easy to get caught doing shit.
2)a flaky person, 2-faced person.
"This place is too sketch to smoke"
"He's so sketch, he told me we would hangout today but he never called"
by Alisa September 5, 2006
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