A shitty school that has crazy bitch teachers and who are too busy jacking off half the time to notice their seniors' needs.
"You didn't get into college after all that work?"

"My school's a shithole, man, what'd you expect?"
by sr2010 May 19, 2010
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A. The current White House under Donald Trump;

B. Any country that's not dominated by members of the white race; and
C. Trump's mouth.
Donald Trump has called Haiti and Africa "shithole countries". He should know that Africa is a continent, not a country. He only wants lily-white people from Europe immigrating to the United States - good luck, you racist asshole!
by The Real Canadian January 13, 2018
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tRump Tower, where the parasites on society live. About the best thing that can be said is that it has Golden Showers.
If it weren't for the oligarchs who live in that shithole we could have healthcare for everyone.
by markód January 12, 2018
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The puckered orifice on the lower half of Donald Trump’s face
In today’s news, yet more racist, sexist, classist garbage has been pushed out of the shithole.
by DebBot January 12, 2018
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Slang disparagement of the unfortunate reality of sometimes needing to go into work on a Sunday.
Yup, it’s Sunday at the shithole and I’m wanting to lie on the warm and breezy beach without my eyes locked on a computer screen!
by Dr Bunnygirl October 2, 2019
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