A Sega fan. Often uninformed and often comes acorss as ludicrous and irritating. See trogdor.
"Sega rules and you suck!"

"yeah but the SNES doesn't have Blast Processing!"
by Sega Slayer September 27, 2003
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Meaning something is good or cool.
as said by eric cartman. "seaaga dreeeaamcast"
by Kyle November 22, 2004
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The best 32-bit console for 2D games ever.
Capcom fighting games for the SEGA Saturn are still superior to the shit on the Playstation.
by AYB February 17, 2003
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A console system released by SEGA.
It had enormous potential but was let down by a lack of games and first-party support. Still popular in some circles, the Dreamcast is often compared to the Saturn, an earlier console that lost to the Playstation, because even though it had more potential, it was difficult to code for.
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Pain or stiffness in the thumbs occuring most often after a long bout of playing a game on the SEGA console.
Can also be applied to other consoles.
After 5 hours of Sonic, Bruce had a badass case of SEGA thumbs.
by The Professor June 29, 2004
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