Usually will be driving a pick-up and have a shirt that is refered to as a "Wife Beater"
by dw March 25, 2003
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When you are better then everybody else, and therefore do whatever the hell you feel like. You couldn't care less what some city boy thinks about you.
I'm a redneck, and you fuckin' citiots who think we're beneath you can drive your latte drinkin, suit wearin', dumbass point of views the hell outta of "Hickville". WE DON'T WANT YOU EITHER!!!!!!!
by Draconus February 11, 2005
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What I guess I'm supposed to be just because I am a Republican, am from the Midwest and I proudly voted for George W. Bush. Anyway, this is all according to liberal Democrats.
I'd rather be around rednecks than liberal emo kids anyday.
by Union Soldier February 14, 2005
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a white individual from the southern united states who genrally drinks alot of cheap beer, likes nascar, hunting (or killing random squirrles that cross their path), bush, the confederate flag and big trucks. they usually are very closed minded to anything that their redneck background isnt familiar with including gays, blacks, muslims/jews/athiests, interracial mariage, goths, liberals or any other minority.(yes, sadly liberals are now a minority.) they get their name from their white skin and how they easily burn in the sun when they arent out drinking, making their necks red.
go bush yeah you rock! (typical redneck saying)

what a f**! (typical redneck saying..dont repeat it)

support gay marriages! seriously. (a redneck wouldnt say that..but you should)

that redneck just fucked a transvestite...and liked it! better not tell him though..
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the guy who empties his chemical toilet into your front yard
Look at that guy emptying his chemical toilet into my frontyard.
He must be a redneck
by LINDAR May 29, 2006
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Comes from farmers who work in the sun and get a "red-neck". Also belived by most northerners that they do not know the difference between a hole in the floor and the hole in their ass
if you go to a family reunien looking for a girl friend... YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK!!
by anomonus January 12, 2005
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* Noun; one who is from the country, and who wants to keep it country. Oh, and you sure as hell ain't no redneck if you don't support the Rebel cause in the Civil War. Yes, some rednecks are white trash, but these rednecks are the smart ones, because they improvise with what they have. For instance, if they don't have a lot of money, and they want a pool, they steal one. Or, they get a looooot of duct tape and make a big ass circle with it.
Fred: Hey man, do you wanna go ter the fishin club ternite or tomorry, caws me and Georgina was gonna do sumfin ternite an I figgered I better clear all at up witch chu for I made plans wi' her.

Leon: Naw... at's fine. What chu and 'da little lady gots planned fer ternite?

Fred: We're gonna git her mustache shaved! It hadn't been dun in a while.

Leon: wife got hers shave yesterdee! How bout dat!

*Jeff Foxworthy
*Larry the Cable Guy
*Bill Engvall
*Ron White

****These guys are from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, but that term doesn't really fit in with the term redneck. I suppose they were being sarcastic...hmmm...
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