Item much sought after by members of the GI Joe fire fighting team. Consists of pork, chop, and sandwich.
(Running into burning house) Pork Chop Sandwich!
by The Professor November 25, 2003
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a substitution for dinner in the form of beer.
neal had pork chop in a can for dinner, he is such a lush.
by stuart ivey March 4, 2008
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When you're doing a fat chick doggy style, and you lean over and give her a back massage.
Your mom complained that her back was sore, so I gave her a bone-in pork chop.
by murdaruh September 21, 2007
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Some task that was thought to be hard but turned out easy
Benny: Hey James did you finish with the high value properties on the radical list?

James: Yeah, no problem. It was an easy pork chop
by Phakebox January 11, 2006
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Breaking out in a heavy sweat whenever you are sandwiched between two other people
Lisa broke out in the pork chop sweats whenever she was in the middle of Tim and Dan.
by Head BiAtch April 4, 2014
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he's such a porkchop... rugby, beer, and the ladies...
by steph August 4, 2004
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